Thursday, March 3, 2011

Honor Code--Was the right decision made?

Brandon Davies was dismissed from BYU's basketball team after he admitted to having sexual relations with his girlfriend.

Before you people rant off and complain how this is so terrible and they done understand their Honor of Code all students must follow:

1. Be honest
2. Live a chaste and virtuous life
3. Obey the law and all campus policies
4. Use clean language
5. Respect others
6. Abstain from alcoholic beverages, tobacco, tea, coffee, and substance abuse
7. Participate regularly in church services
8. Observe the Dress and Grooming Standards

"Students must abstain from the use of alcohol, tobacco, and illegal substances and from the intentional misuse or abuse of any substance. Sexual misconduct; obscene or indecent conduct or expressions; disorderly or disruptive conduct; participation in gambling activities; involvement with pornographic, erotic, indecent, or offensive material"

BYU Honor Code:

In my opinion, I dont have a problem with the ruling because they stand strong to their morals and beliefs and actions that should take place on their college campus. I understand it was just sex and not a criminal activity but their rules are their rules and they must be followed. I believe that BYU should actually be applauded by the NCAA to make this ruling in midst of chasing a #1 seed for the NCAA tourny. They didn't hesitate to kick off the leading rusher in school history off the football team for the same allegations.

Here's my main problems to this situation:

1. I understand D1 scholarships are hard to come by and Utah is not the most attractive location for african americans in the world but why would he consider going to a Mormon school. Maybe Davies was Mormon but how many african american Mormons do you that exist, and will it scare off future black athletes.

2. Recruiting: The main question now is are the potential recruits fully aware of the Honor code and will it affect them from bringing in athletes. You are expectly men ages 19-24 in the height of the sexual peak to give up sex for 4 years. The Honor Code is to be followed while off campus and during breaks also. Will potential recruits now turn away BYU now that this story has broke nationally.

There is no problem commending BYU for following up on their policies and kicking the guy off the team for breaking rules but feel free for criticizing them for being a Mormon school and failing to forgot one thing God will forever hold as his Honor Code: Forgiveness

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