Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Tebow Truth

All He does is WIN.

One of the most polarizing athletes today in the world, Tim Tebow does win alot, and he is kicking everybody's ass at Life.

From the first moment Tebow stepped on a football field at the University of Florida, you could see that moment happen at some point in career. The crowd erupted like Superman had stepped on the field and saved everyone. This as a True Freshman with record setting senior QB Chris Leak still on the roster. As he improved with confidence, the team rallied, the crowd went nuts and Urban Meyer gave him more snaps. Did Florida win the national championship with him as the starting QB? NO. Did he play a major role in them winning it? Yes.

As a Florida State fan, I hated Tebow for 4 years. I watched him dominate and destroy my favorite program every year and win the biggest game on our schedule. He was too big and too strong, running past Linebackers, running over DB's. He would get that Psycho look in his eye and would make a major play and you knew the game was over. This picture will forever be a lasting memory in my mind as a Florida St fan.

As Tebow continue to win and rack up awards at Florida, Espn jumped down his back and forced us on him. He was the face of the program, the guy who played QB with Bible verses wrote on his eyeblack. The program raised to new height. Top 3 recruiting classes, Assistant Coaches with opportunities to become head coaches, NFL teams wasn't judging their skill players on past Florida players. But everyone knew the day would come for his own NFL evaluation.

"[Tim Tebow] can't play quarterback in the NFL," Todd McShay, of ESPN. He jump started the trend around the senior bowl. The "He cant throw, "Hes better suited as an H-Back", "a position change would be beneficial to his career." If you payed attention to the combine and pro day works, you left with the feeling that maybe Todd McShay and Mel Kiper are right. This guy is terrible and maybe another position would be helpful would help him in the long run. Even with Bad Throwing mechanics, the guy has "great intangibles" BUT Intangibles wont win you any football games.

Then those Intangibles made Tebow a 1st round pick, when he really should've been a 3rd-4th round pick. He started the last 3 games of the season with a come from behind victory and he was critiqued of a player with 10 years experience. His fan base rised but the haters piled in numbers. This season during training camp he was demoted to 4th string. Haters laughed, fans cried.

Who's crying Now?

Understand, playing quarterback, makes him one of the most heavily scrutinized public figures in America. The joy of playing the glorified position. Tebow's outspoken Christian faith only makes him a bigger target. Believing in Tebow has nothing whatsoever to do with Christian faith. God gave him the ability to play this game, what he do with that ability is what he does with that ability. Tebow doesn't believe God has promised him success. He does worry that if he doesn't succeed in the NFL, he will disappoint his family and legions of true fans.

He didnt win the super bowl this season, but he made strides as a player. "Intangibles" led him on that field and to victories. The Broncos rallied around him when he stepped on the field. The crowd went nuts like them good ol Florida days. Everybody play elevated and they won a playoff game. Yeah he might have completed 42% of his passes but can you sit here and say Kyle Orton would have led them to the playoffs and beat a hot Steelers team. His emotion and drive is contagious and it scary. That psycho look in his eyes returned against Steelers and they felt his wrath.

I always respected the players who were heavily religious ie. Kurt Warner, Reggie White, ect but kept them separate from their sport careers. Maybe that was wrong.I believe that Tebow wants success, because success means fans, and fans mean people will hear him preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. The words that we all need in life. Understand that you don't hate Tebow for this reason. You hate ESPN for taking this story can creating a monster. The constant debates from Skip Bayless that this he belongs in the NFL. Or maybe he was given the chance that alot of players in years past wasn't given. Maybe his play has reopened those doors for players of his type of ability are given the the same chance. I gotta think Darron Thomas from Oregon entered the NFL draft because of some of that.

The team's plan is expected to include going forward with Tebow as their starting quarterback at least for the start of their 2012 training camp. That atleast is a start in the belief of his abilities. I dont blame them because its going to be quite scary when those abiliies catch up with his "Intangibles."

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